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Calterah Brings mmWave Radar Sensing Technology for Indoor Smart Security to CPSE 2023


From October 25 to 28, 2023, the 19th China Public Security Expo (CPSE 2023) was held at the Futian Exhibition and Convention Center, Shenzhen. At the CPSE Public Security Forum, Calterah introduced a newly-released high-precision indoor human detection solution and demonstrated the application of Calterah mmWave Radar SoCs in indoor smart security scenarios.

As the public awareness of security and privacy requirements heightens, traditional security devices based on optical and infrared technologies no longer suffice for certain emerging security markets. In indoor environments such as hotel rooms, bathrooms, and changing rooms, cameras can significantly invade individual privacy. The demand potential for intelligent security systems in these application scenarios is enormous, calling for a sensing technology that combines privacy protection and strong detection performance.

"Seeing without revealing" is the intuitive experience of the powerful mmWave sensing technology. Users can "see" the precise detection results of mmWave radar, and it does not “reveal” any private information. mmWave radar boasts incredibly stable, privacy-friendly, and accurate detection,  “thus it has excellent potential in the field of indoor smart security”, noted Xiang Wu, Calterah Industrial Product Line Director. 

24/7 Stable Operation: Unlike cameras, mmWave radar uses radio waves for sensing, which gives it the unique advantage of round-the-clock functioning. It could operate properly even under poor light conditions at night.

Strong Privacy Protection: Instead of gathering image information, mmWave detection is achieved by transmitting and receiving electromagnetic waves, whereby the target’s distance, velocity, angle, and other information are obtained. Within the radar detection area, the position, movement trajectory, postures, and actions of a person can be seen, while privacy information such as facial features and body contours will not be revealed. Therefore, mmWave radar can well protect user privacy and thus can be installed in private spaces like bathrooms and bedrooms.

Accurate Detection with Versatile Functions: Compared with infrared sensors, mmWave radar adopts specific signal processing algorithms to achieve millimeter-level precision detection and supports a variety of accurate detection functions, including people counting, vital sign detection, and multi-person trajectory and posture recognition.

At the forum, Wu demonstrated the detection results of the Calterah Indoor Human Point Cloud SDK based on Rhine mmWave SoCs. The Rhine SoC-based solution is able to consistently detect multiple people at a time, including their stance, sitting, and motions, and vividly depicts their movements such as bending, hand-waving, and kicking. The point cloud data output from SDK allows upper-layer applications to easily achieve functions of people counting and tracking, fall detection, human gesture recognition, etc., enabling indoor high-precision human sensing in scenarios such as smart hotels, smart offices, and elderly care.

Calterah Indoor Human Point Cloud SDK is based on the second-generation 60 GHz Rhine mmWave radar SoCs, which include standard SoC and AiP (Antenna-in-Package) SoC versions and offer excellent performance, a high integration level, low cost, and the easy-to-use feature. With Rhine SoCs, partners can reduce R&D investment in mmWave RF, antenna, and radar signal processing, and accelerate the introduction of their products to the market. Moreover, with only a fingernail size, Rhine SoCs make compact radar modules possible, which means easy installation and more flexibility.

Empowered by emerging technologies, the digitalized security era has already come. With its precise, privacy-friendly, and round-the-clock detection, mmWave radar is the go-to choice for enabling smart security systems. Calterah, as a global leader in designing and developing mmWave radar chips, will keep using more advanced mmWave technologies to empower smart security, honoring its mission to “Make Millimeter-Wave Serve Everyone”.