Terms of Use and Conditions of Access to Calterah’s Website
The following terms of use (hereinafter referred to as “Terms of Use”) apply to all users or visitors of Calterah’s website, and Calterah Semiconductor Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and/or its affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Calterah”) reserve the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time. Your access to this website is granted by Calterah on the basis of the following Terms of Use. If you do not agree to any of these Terms of Use, please cease using this website. Calterah reserves the right to seek legal and equitable remedies for any violation of the Terms of Use.
Content of Calterah’s Website
All materials and information on Calterah’s website (including but not limited to texts, graphics, data, opinions, suggestions, web pages, or links, etc., hereinafter referred to as “this Website”) are provided “as is”. Although Calterah tries its best to provide visitors with accurate materials and information, Calterah makes no warranty about the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness, adequacy, and reliability of these materials and information. Calterah explicitly states that it assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in such materials and content, nor does it make any warranty explicitly or implicitly regarding these materials and content, including but not limited to the warranty of title, non-infringement of third-party rights, freedom from quality defects, and freedom from computer viruses, etc.
Calterah has the right to make any changes to the content of this Website at any time without any prior notice or reminder to you. Please visit this Website on a regular basis to get the information of the latest version. Any products or services of third parties mentioned on this Website are merely for the purpose of providing relevant information and do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of such products or services. Calterah makes no explicit and/or implicit statement, warranty, or endorsement regarding any product, service, or information on this Website, and all products and services sold on this Website shall be subject to relevant sales contracts and terms of Calterah.
Software Content
All source codes, binary software, demo code, APIs, SDKs, relevant documents, and any other relevant materials (collectively referred to as “Software”) on this Website, including all applicable intellectual property rights, are owned by Calterah or its licensors. Unless you have obtained a separate license in accordance with relevant agreements with Calterah and/or its affiliates, the Terms of Use on this Website do not grant any forms of license regarding Software. You shall not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, adapt, implant, or perform any other derivative operations on Software, nor shall you study the internal implementation of Calterah products, obtain the source code of the products, or steal any intellectual properties in any way, etc. Disclosure of any results of software performance testing is also strictly prohibited.
Your Use of This Website
When you visit this Website, you agree to strictly comply with the following requirements:
Any and all trademarks and logos used and displayed on this Website are properties of Calterah and its licensors. If you want to know more about the trademarks use, please refer to Calterah Trademark Third-Party Use Statement.
User Account and Profile
When you visit this Website, or use some of the features or services provided by this Website (including but not limited to downloading software, data, or other materials from Calterah), you may need to create an account, provide relevant information, or set personal parameters, and this Website may provide additional terms of use regarding particular services or features. In the event of any conflict between these Terms of Use and terms of use for particular part of this Website, the additional terms of use shall prevail when you use this part or particular services.
You shall not visit this Website through false pretenses, by disguise, or by impersonating any person or entity. If part of this Website requires that you should create an account or set personal information, any information you have provided shall be authentic and reliable. You agree to keep your account information secure and confidential and not to allow others to use your account, profile, or Calterah software; otherwise, you may be held liable for any losses incurred to Calterah or any other users or visitors of this Website.
Calterah may, at its sole discretion, reject or delete any content you post, or limit, suspend, or terminate your access to this Website. Calterah has the right to retain or delete any information or content you have provided.
Copyright Notice
All materials or content on this Website are copyrighted, and all copyrights are owned by Calterah or its licensors, except for content that is indicated as being cited from a third party. You shall not duplicate, modify, disseminate, sell, reproduce, broadcast, disassemble, reverse engineer, decompile, hyperlink or transmit, load to another server through mirroring or other ways, store in an information retrieval system, or make any other use of any content of this Website without the prior written permission from Calterah or other related parties.
Products or Services Provided
Due to the international or borderless nature of the Internet, any information provided through this Website is also international in nature and may contain references to products or services that have not been released in your country or region. Therefore, not all products or services on this Website are available in your country or region. You may contact your local sales representatives or distributers to find out what products or services are available in your country or region.
Third-Party Links
This Website may contain links to third-party websites or URLs. Access to these links is solely at the discretion of the user, and Calterah makes no warranty on the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, and reliability of any information, data, opinions, graphics, statements, or suggestions provided through these links. Calterah provides such links solely for convenience rather than for any promotional or advertising purposes, which shall not be deemed Calterah’s endorsement or recommendation of such information.
Calterah assumes no liability for any indirect, incidental, special, or any other forms of punitive damages, as well as any loss of profits, revenues, data, or data use. Unless otherwise agreed upon in a sales contract in the written form, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, Calterah assumes no liability for any “materials” on this Website, regardless of the cause of the liability or any theory of infringement.
Calterah Privacy Policy also governs your use of this Website. By using this Website, you acknowledge and agree that Calterah may use relevant information in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution
You agree that all matters related to your access to or use of this Website shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, and expressly excluding the application of principles of conflicts of laws under the laws of the People’s Republic of China). You agree that the courts with jurisdiction in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China, shall have jurisdiction over all disputes arising from the access to this Website. In the event that more than one court has jurisdiction, the jurisdiction of the courts in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China, shall prevail.