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electronica 2022: Productive and Inspirational for Calterah

Recently, the 4-day long electronica 2022, the world’s leading trade fair for electronics, has come to a successful end. This year’s electronica held in Munich, Germany brought together over 2100 exhibitors from almost 50 countries, among which Calterah made an international debut with the most comprehensive mmWave radar sensor chip product portfolio the industry had ever seen, expanding its global presence as an emerging player.

The trade fair, too, turned out to be very productive for Calterah. The exhibits included massed produced products of 1st-generation transceivers, 2nd-generation SoCs, their corresponding development boards, and Calterah-inside mmWave radar modules developed by a top auto Tier-1 in China, attracting many visitors and potential customers from both auto and industrial fields. What was specially presented was the engineering samples of Calterah’s next-generation flagship product of the Andes family supporting high-performance 4D imaging radar functions in multi-chip cascade application. On the scene, the interactive demo of a vital sign detection and human tracking solution based on an industrial-grade SoC with the Antenna-in-Package (AiP) technology, in particular, was a huge appeal for visitors who had great interest in emerging industrial applications enabled by mmWave radar sensors.

This exhibition at electronica 2022 has demonstrated Calterah’s determination and capability in breaking into the global ADAS and auto driving market, by providing international customers with the most advanced mmWave technologies and solutions. This surely has strengthened and facilitated cooperation with global Tier-1s and solution providers in a way that is impossible without the face-to-face communication. 

When asked how he would like to describe Calterah in an Electronics Weekly interview, Dr. Chen, CEO of Calterah talked about what had been achieved on both R&D and business sides of Calterah as a leading company in CMOS mmWave radar sensor chip design and mass production, and its core competitiveness of strong CMOS mmWave know-how, high-level integration, proprietary radar signal processing hardware accelerator, and AiP (Antenna-in-Package) technology, which makes Calterah products stand out in the market in terms of PPA (performance, power, area) and cost. Dr. Chen also highlighted it was the exact mission of “Make Millimeter-Wave Serve Everyone” that was driving the company forward. Along with the perception of Calterah, in this interview the next-generation SoC platform of Andes, designed for high-performance radar sensors and 4D imaging radar in multi-chip cascade application, was also announced to be launched this December.



本次慕尼黑电子展,加特兰吸引了众多来自汽车和工业领域的国际参展者和潜在客户,受到了广泛关注。加特兰展出了包括第一代收发芯片和第二代SoC芯片的量产产品、相应的开发板以及国内头部汽车Tier 1基于加特兰芯片开发的雷达传感器。除此之外,加特兰还带来了下一代旗舰产品Andes芯片的工程样片,可通过多片级联实现4D成像雷达功能。展会现场,基于加特兰工规级AiP芯片的人体生命体征探测和人员跟踪的交互式演示,吸引了参展游客纷纷驻足参与互动,大家对毫米波雷达传感器在工业领域的新兴应用表现出充分的兴趣和探索欲。

此次亮相德国慕尼黑电子展,展现了加特兰赋能全球辅助驾驶和自动驾驶市场的决心和能力,为全球用户带来最先进的毫米波雷达技术和方案,进一步加深了与国际Tier 1以及方案商的紧密合作。

展会上,加特兰CEO陈嘉澍博士接受了《电子周刊》(Electronic Weekly)的采访,分享了加特兰作为CMOS毫米波雷达芯片设计与量产的领先企业在研发和业务方面的成就,以及核心技术优势:强劲的CMOS毫米波技术实力、芯片高集成度、自研雷达信号处理硬件加速器、封装集成片上天线(AiP)技术,这些使得加特兰的芯片产品在市场上具备出众的PPA(Performance, Power, Area 性能、功耗、面积)和成本优势。陈嘉澍博士还强调,推进加特兰前进的动力正是加特兰“让毫米波服务每个人”的使命。采访中也提到,加特兰将在今年12月推出新一代SoC平台——Andes产品系列。该系列产品定位于高性能雷达SoC,并且可通过多颗芯片级联实现高性能4D成像雷达功能。



Mini, but Mighty——Calterah Launches New mmWave Radar Chip Product Families

On Oct. 20, Calterah unveiled two new mmWave radar chip product families, Alps-Mini and Rhine-Mini.


A Mini IC integrates an FMCW radar RF front-end transceiver system, which includes a dual-channel transmitter and a dual-channel receiver, capable of operation in the 59–64 GHz (for Rhine-Mini) or the 76–81 GHz (for Alps-Mini) band, with a 4 GHz continuous sweep and an output power up to 12 dBm. The chip also supports a maximum ADC sampling rate of 25 MS/s, peak search, and several algorithms to implement CFAR detection with a 512 KiB baseband SRAM. As an auto-grade product, it meets the requirements of the AEC-Q100 qualification and ISO 26262 ASIL-B standard, with two packages available, standard package and AiP (antenna in package).

While resembling Alps and Rhine in the high-performance RF front-end, auto-grade operating temperature, reliability, and proprietary radar signal processing hardware accelerator, Mini is upgraded with a dual-core processor and a cybersecurity unit for encryption and compliance with desired cybersecurity standards. Furthermore, compared to Alps and Rhine, Mini is 40% smaller in size with a typical power consumption of 0.8 W and over 20% of the main chip cost reduction. The ICs have been made smaller, safer, smarter, and more power efficient as the market requires, living up to the tagline “Mini, but Mighty”.

As of the third quarter, Calterah has hit the milestone of one million accumulated IC unit shipments, with a growing partnership with over 400 customers from the auto, industrial, and consumer markets. As more mmWave ICs break into these markets, mmWave radar is also extending the boundary of its applications, from autonomous driving in the beginning to many other fields like smart cabin, security and surveillance, smart home, smart city, etc. At the product launch, Calterah demoed in-cabin occupancy detection and USRR environment modeling implemented by Calterah AiP chip products via videos produced both on its own and by its customer. In addition to automotive applications, indoor human detection enabled by Mini was also showed, which signified the rise of mmWave radar in elderly care and smart home in the future.

In his speech at the event, Calterah’s CEO Dr. Chen Jiashu said, “Apart from traditional fields, mmWave radar has been entering emerging industries, which put more stringent requirements for the size, power consumption, and cost of radar sensors. The Mini product families not only satisfy these requirements, but also provide flexible functions and show excellent performance. The auto-grade ICs, in particular, are able to meet the high standards of functional safety and reliability. So, we believe the launch of Mini is one step closer to fulfilling our mission of making mmWave serve everyone.”


随着ADAS和自动驾驶技术的快速演变,汽车厂商向半导体芯片行业提出了日渐复杂的安全要求,加速了汽车功能安全标准ISO 26262和网络安全标准lSO/SAE 21434在半导体芯片行业的渗透 。


图1 交流会现场

加特兰于2020年3月通过了ISO 26262功能安全管理体系认证,该体系可以支持功能安全等级达到ASIL-D的芯片产品开发设计。2021年8月16日,加特兰的Alps系列雷达SoC芯片又成功通过德国莱茵TÜV审核评估,成为国内首个完全符合ISO 26262标准并获得第三方认证的芯片产品,达到了ASIL-B级别。Alps芯片产品的开发和认证过程历时三年左右,充分证明了加特兰在功能安全方面的投入、积累和能力。

图2 加特兰分享功能安全实践经验

交流会上,宋宇首先对比了汽车行业与工业安全控制系统、铁路信号等行业在安全应用和架构上的差异,总结了汽车行业对安全架构和“安全”芯片的特殊要求。接着从安全管理、安全概念设计、IP评估、单元验证和集成验证等方面,展示了加特兰是如何满足这些苛刻的要求,并开发出国内首个完全符合ISO 26262标准且获得第三方产品认证的芯片产品——Alps。此外,他还就大家重点关注的内容,比如永久与瞬态失效率的预估、安全机制的设计指导原则等,做了经验分享。


Calterah Invited to Seminar on Semiconductor Functional Safety and Cybersecurity to Share Experience of Practices

While ADAS and autonomous driving technologies are rapidly evolving, the safety requirements automakers have for the IC industry are becoming increasingly complex, which fast-tracks active embracement of the automotive functional safety standard ISO 26262 and the cybersecurity standard lSO/SAE 21434 in the semiconductor industry.

Recently, Calterah was invited by TÜV Rheinland Greater China to a seminar for exchanges on technologies, standards and practices of semiconductor functional safety and cybersecurity, where top-notch IC technical experts gathered together to share insights about key issues, such as IC functional safety and cybersecurity, and collaboration of automakers and chip design companies. At the seminar, Calterah’s Functional Safety Manager Song Yu shared Calterah’s experience of functional safety practices and lessons learned as a fabless design house from two perspectives: why chips with functional safety are required and how to develop such ICs.

Figure 1. Audience at the Seminar

Calterah achieved ISO 26262 functional safety management certification in March 2020 with its processes supporting development of ICs up to the ASIL-D level. In August 2021, Calterah further passed the assessment of TÜV Rheinland and its Alps family members of radar sensor SoC chips were certified as ASIL-B fully compliant, becoming China’s first to obtain the ISO 26262 full compliance certification. The 3-year-long development and certification process of the Alps chips bears testimony to Calterah’s investment, know-how and capability in functional safety.

Figure 2. Calterah Shares Experience of Functional Safety Practices

In his speech, Song Yu first compared the differences in terms of safety-critical applications and architectures among the automotive field, industrial control systems, and railway signalling systems, and summarized special safety requirements the auto industry has for architectures and chips. Then he introduced how Calterah had managed to fulfil these requirements in functional safety management, functional safety concept, IP assessment, unit verification and integration verification, and developed the Alps products, the first ICs in China that are fully compliant with the ISO 26262 standard and certified by a third party. Moreover, Song also shared his knowledge about topics of great interest to the audience, such as evaluation of permanent and transient failure rates and guiding principles for safety mechanism design.

“The fact that Calterah’s Alps ICs have been proven compliant with the ISO 26262 standard is more significant than the certificate per se and being an industry-first in China,” Song Yu emphasized, “because only when our products become compliant with the standard, can we help clients achieve compliance and accelerate safety analysis, new product introduction and mass production.” This is in line with Calterah’s efforts to contribute to China’s auto industry and deliver on its mission “Make Millimeter-Wave Serve Everyone”.






如何找到这些培训视频呢?进入加特兰官网,点击导航栏“培训与支持”,选择培训视频资料。点击语言切换按钮,也可进入英文界面,观看英文字幕版教学视频,帮助海外客户无障碍学习视频。如无特殊标注,视频均对所有官网用户开放。部分视频,仅限企业会员观看。了解如何升级成为企业会员,请与我们 sales@caleterah.com联系。



加特兰微电子再度入选全球EE Times “Silicon 100”

由EE Times每年评选的全球值得关注的新创公司排行榜“Silicon 100”,2021年度榜单于近日公布,加特兰微电子作为国内唯一上榜的毫米波雷达芯片企业已连续两年入选EE Times “Silicon 100”。

“Silicon 100”2021年度榜单及报告已于近日发布

“Silicon 100”的选择基于综合的标准,包括技术、目标市场、财务状况和投资概况、成熟度和行政领导能力,该奖项也被认为是行业极具投资参考价值的榜单。今年的“Silicon 100”依旧云集了包括AI/神经网络/机器学习、汽车电子、半导体制造在内的众多具有前瞻性领域和技术的公司。

加特兰作为CMOS毫米波雷达芯片的领导者,在技术创新上不断突破自我,重视知识产权和自主创新,提升方案解决能力,帮助客户快速导入雷达系统。再度入选“Silicon 100”也充分说明了市场对企业发展的关注和认可,加特兰也将持续地为客户提供更易使用、更低能耗的毫米波雷达芯片,让毫米波服务每一个人。











加特兰微电子荣登CB Insights“新能源智能汽车创新企业”榜单


“电动化、智能化、共享化”在新一轮科技革命背景下孕育新生,推动了汽车产业的全面变革,又以前所未有的速度和深度改变着全球汽车产业。在这一背景下,CB Insights 中国发起了“新能源智能汽车创新企业”榜单评选,以寻找该产业链下的佼佼者。本次评选当中,CB Insights中国依据DPTC (Depth、Popularity、Tendency、Collaboration) 体系,从技术前沿度、团队背景、市场份额、融资金额、以及创新能力等多维度评价企业实力,评选范围包括整车、电控、电动电池、感知系统等多个方面,最终包括加特兰微电子在内的48家企业荣登榜单。







加特兰作为CMOS工艺毫米波雷达芯片开发与设计的领导者,成功量产了全球首个汽车级CMOS工艺77/79GHz毫米波雷达射频前端芯片,2019年又率先推出了集成雷达基带处理的SoC芯片,为毫米波雷达传感器的开发带来了全新的变革。随后,公司又进一步推出了封装集成片上天线(AiP, Antenna-in-Package)技术并实现了量产,加速了毫米波雷达在汽车市场的普及。
